
Can Dogs Eat Boom Chicka Pop?

I don’t know if your dog is anything like mine, but once the sound of a sachet being torn apart is made or once I am popping that goodness in the pot, you would see some tail waggers crowding the space, looking directly into my eyes, lol. But is it safe to let your dog have any kind of popcorn? Can dogs eat Boom Chicka Pop? Here is everything you need to know.

What is Boom Chicka Pop?

Boom Chicka Pop is a brand of popcorn known for its wide variety of flavored popcorn products. It is produced by Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP, a company based in the United States. They are often marketed as a healthier and more natural alternative to traditional popcorn snacks.

Boom Chicka Pop is offered in a wide variety of flavors, ranging from its classic salted versions to its innovative sweet and salty kettle corn and its unique white cheddar, caramel, and chocolate options. Unlike most other popcorn products, this brand makes use of no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and it is non-GMO, according to its manufacturers.

Can Dogs Eat Boom Chicka Pop?

Yes, dogs can eat Boom Chicka Pop. Popcorn, in general, is not harmful to dogs as they contain lots of minerals that could benefit your canines, like manganese, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus, and they are a great source of fiber, all thanks to the whole grains used.

A veterinarian at the Animal Humane Society, Dr. Angelica Dimock, says, “Dogs can eat popcorn, as it is a low-calorie food that dogs love and could also suffice as a great treat.” While popcorn is safe for dogs, there are some caveats when it comes to Boom Chicka Pop. Certain ingredients used in making this popcorn may not be suitable for your pooch in certain amounts.

What Are The Ingredients In Boom Chicka Pop And Are They Safe For Dogs?

Here is a thorough overview of the ingredients you will find across different varieties of Boom Chicka Pop and how they could affect your dog:

Butter and oil

Boom Chicka Pops are usually popped in butter or oil, which could significantly increase your dog’s chances of developing obesity and pancreatitis if eaten frequently. Plain air-popped popcorn is safe for dogs, but when buttered, it becomes less healthy for dogs as the calories go up, and treats like popcorn should not take up more than 10% of your dogs’ daily food intake according to AKC.


Salt is important to balance the electrolyte levels in your dog. Generally, dogs do have a diabolical preference for salty foods (explains why they lick different parts of your body?). However, the salt content of Book Chicka Pop may be too much for your dog if they consume too much, supplying them with a great amount of sodium, which could lead to sodium poisoning, which could cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even seizures in dogs.

The ideal amount of sodium a dog should have in a day is 13 mg/kg of its body weight, according to PetPoisonHelpline. The sea salt variety contains over 140 calories, which could use up a dog’s daily value depending on its size, making it unideal to give your dog much boom chicka pop.


Dogs can eat varieties of corn, including deer corn. Dogs can enjoy both raw and cooked corn without the cobs in moderation. Dogs can safely digest popcorn. A common characteristic of all the corn types is their high dietary fiber, which is beneficial to dogs as it can help resolve digestive issues.


Sugar isn’t harmful to dogs, but it doesn’t offer many benefits either. Sugar found in fruits and other natural sources is safe for dogs and reduces glycemic loads, while processed sugar can interrupt metabolic processes and impact your dog’s organs. It can further lead to weight gain and diabetes in the long run.

Your dog can’t escape sugar as there is hidden sugar, especially in their dry kibble—over 30–60% of carbs—mainly starch. Boomchicka pops usually average 8 grams of sugar per serving, which may not be harmful to your dog, and you obviously won’t be giving your dog a full serving.


The popcorn coated in chocolate may be harmful in large quantities as chocolate is known to have theobromine, which is harmful to dogs. One or ten chocolate-coated popcorns will not trigger chocolate toxicity, as an average dog of 10 pounds has to consume over 1.5 ounces of chocolate to experience toxicity.

Cheddar cheese

The cheddar cheese versions may contain a generous amount of salt, but they have a lower concentration of lactose when compared to other cheeses, making them safe for your dog in moderation.

Which Popcorn is Best for Dogs?

The kind of popcorn I will recommend for your pooch is plain air-popped popcorn. Depending on your dog’s unique health status or digestive system tolerance, corn popped with seasonings, salt, and other additives could trouble your dog’s stomach.

If your dog is a cardiac patient and suffers from pancreatitis, I’d advise you to avoid Boom Chicka Pops and other popcorns alike.

How Much Boom Chicka Pop Can My Dog Eat?

I don’t recommend using boom chicka pops as a treat for training dogs; they can, however, be used as an occasional treat to keep the variety in that space. You should never allow your dog access to a full pack of this popcorn. A handful of Coom Chicka Pop is perfectly okay for dogs.

Is It Safe For Puppies or Senior Dogs To Eat Boom Chicka Pop?

For puppies, choking hazards are one of the most common hurdles when considering feeding them popcorn, but if you find a way to navigate it, you will be faced with the delicate digestive system of puppies. Boom Chicka Pop isn’t a suitable treat for puppies and shouldn’t be given to them.

Seniors should also be treated with caution, as they may no longer have the digestive prowess they had in their prime, and they may have one or two sensitive health issues they are dealing with, which you should take into consideration before handling any of this popcorn.

Better Alternatives to Boom Chicka Pop For Dogs

Here are better alternatives that would impact your pooch’s health positively, providing lots of health benefits that also captivate your dog’s taste buds:

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is regarded as a superfood for dogs. It is rich in fiber and micronutrients, which make it a nutritious treat. Pumpkin eliminates excessive water from a canine’s gut, and it is a natural stomach soother. It is easy to prepare for dogs. Get the seeds, roast them without seasoning or salt, and store them in an airtight container. This treat is very effective for training sessions.


The regular lumpia deep-fried in oil isn’t so safe for dogs, but the fresh version of lumpia wrapped in lettuce is very healthy for dogs and provides numerous health benefits.

Final Thoughts

Dogs can have small amounts of Boom Chicka Pops, but it is advised to give plain, unsalted, and unseasoned popcorn to dogs.

Josh Krul

Hi, I am Josh, an avid dog lover who has spent 15 years with my lovely buddies. Lingonpets is a platform to share my experiences.

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