Can Dogs Eat Deer Corn?

If you’re a hunter or farmer, you should be conversant with deer corn. I love hunting, and I use these deer corns as bait for deer. But when it comes to dogs, the situation is entirely different.
Since these corns were processed mainly for deer, would it harm your dog? In this article, I will lead you through all you need to know about deer, corn, and dogs.
What is deer corn?
“Deer corn” typically refers to corn (maize) that is used as a feed or bait for wild deer. It’s a common practice among hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, and landowners who want to attract deer to a specific area for observation or hunting purposes.
While you may think that deer corn is some corn that is grown for just deer, it will surprise you to know that deer corn is the same as regular corn; the difference in name only highlights the context of their uses.
Deer corn, often sold in bags, is made of whole or cracked corn kernels (a form that makes it easier for deer to chew). It is also rich in energy and provides various nutrients for deer since it is processed for that purpose, especially when forage is scarce during the winter.
Regular corn can be sold in numerous forms, such as on a cob, canned corn, frozen corn, cornmeal, or as part of a processed meal. It is processed with humans in mind.
Can dogs eat deer corn?
While dogs could handle a few deer corns, it is essential to know that these corns were processed mainly for deer, and they could possibly have added additives like salts, which could cause sodium poisoning in large quantities.
Deer corn could be challenging for your dog to digest. If you must feed deer corn to dogs, it should be as a result of not being able to access their required quality dry and wet foods.
Is deer corn bad for dogs?
While not necessary, deer corn could contain ingredients that could be beneficial to your dog, making it not bad for your dog. These benefits include:
Deer corn is loaded with carbs, which could provide energy for your active dogs. When your pooch ingests some deer corn, the carbs are converted to glucose, which is used for energy immediately or stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.
Deer corn has fiber (although not as rich as other grains) that could promote the digestive health of your dog and regular bowel movements in small quantities.
Minerals and vitamins
Deer corn is a source of Vitamin E, and B vitamins such as pyridoxine, niacin, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are soluble and are essential in energy production, and amino acid metabolization, and aid the overall growth of the dog.
Deer corn also has magnesium phosphorus, zinc, and iron. These minerals aid enzyme function, production of hemoglobin and myoglobin, reproductive function, and skin health.
How to feed deer corn to dogs
Although it is not recommended for you to feed some deer corn to your dogs if you want to still go ahead, here is how you can do it:
Firstly, the amount of deer corn you could hand over to your dog depends on the size, age, and weight of your dog. You will like to keep deer corn on or below 10% of your dog’s daily food consumption.
My Dog Ate Deer corn: what will happen?
Little amounts will not cause problems, depending on whether your dog is allergic to corn or not. However, a large amount will lead to digestive upset with notable symptoms like vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. With water, these symptoms will cease over time.
Can dogs eat other types of corn?
While deer corn may not be suitable for your dog, there are other types of corn that dogs can eat that will be beneficial to them:
Plain corn
Boiled or steamed corn kernels without any seasoning or additives are the best options for dogs. Ensure not to add butter, salt, or any other topping that may be deemed harmful to dogs.
Final thought
Dogs can eat little deer corn, but it is not advisable as your dog could develop digestive upset or react to any additive added during the production of the deer corn.
If you must feed your dog deer corn, be sure to feed them plain corn without the cob (the cob could pose the risk of choking Harzard) and without any added seasoning.