
Can Cats Eat Basmati Rice?

If you have been hooked up with lots of Indian delicacies, as I have, you should have already fallen in love with basmati rice. It is refreshing and offers a different way to enjoy rice dishes. Its nutty flavor is versatile which makes it an easy fit for Lebanese vermicelli noodles, biryani, all-Indian curries, butter chicken, and almost any dish that requires rice.

While it is healthy and safe for humans to have some basmati rice, is it safe for your cat to eat basmati rice? What quantity should they have? How can you prepare it for them? Here is everything you need to know about basmati rice for cats.

Basmati rice facts

Basmati rice is a long-grain rice characterized by its narrow, pointy edges as opposed to the round edges of most other varieties of rice. It originates from the Himalayas and is traditionally a part of South Asian and Indian foods like biryani, chicken tikka masala, curries, roasted meats, and a host of other dishes.

This rice variety has a similar, unique nutty flavor to that of jasmine rice, which is another long-grain rice commonly used in Southeast Asia and Thai cooking. When cooked, basmati is fluffier and has a softer grain, but jasmine has a more nuttier flavor.

Basmati is available in both white and brown varieties. The white version is more processed as its outer husk or bran covers the grains, the seed that aids the rice to grow, or the germ is removed, leaving behind a starchy version. The brown variety retains the bran and germs, making it more nutritious. Basmati rice, when compared to any other rice, has the longest grains that even lengthen when it is cooked.

In the US, you won’t find locally produced basmati grains called “basmati,” as only the versions traditionally grown in Pakistan and India are called basmati. You will only findĀ  “Kasmati” and “Texmati” as locally produced US versions. Irrespective of the region, rice is always expensive as it is delicate and usually has a little yield, yet it requires lots of labor.

Can cats eat basmati rice?

Cats can have basmati rice as much as they can have plain rice. Cats could benefit from both the brown and white varieties of basmati rice if fed in moderation as part of their balanced diet. Rice of different forms is used as filler in numerous cat foods.

It is no news that your cat requires more animal proteins, especially taurine, an essential amino acid that they can’t produce themselves and that is abundantly found in darker parts of meat. However, they could still eat vegetables like choy sum, salads like tabouli, and starch like basmati rice occasionally.

Personally, mixing basmati rice in a low-sodium broth is a way I treat my cat to something different once in a while. All I need to do is add some veggies and chunks of chicken parts that are beneficial and offer them as a treat.

Is basmati rice good for cats?

For humans, the brown variety of basmati rice is usually a great option that is not processed and offers lots of minerals and vitamins (all thanks to the bran and germ). However, for cats, the brown basmati variety can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on the amount offered.

Little brown basmati rice could help resolve constipation and diarrhea in cats, but when they eat too much, they will equally experience constipation and gastrointestinal upset because of its high fiber content.

A good thing about basmati rice is that it has a lower arsenic content; a heavy metal that increases the risk of heart problems, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. I use basmati rice to make horchata for my cat since it has a low arsenic content. The major problem I face with giving cats horchata is that uncooked rice usually has a high arsenic content, which may be reduced to an extent but not entirely, even after washing and soaking, but with basmati, the risk is greatly reduced.

The major downside of basmati rice comes with the white processed version, which has been stripped of its valuable nutrients, making it not so good for cats as it could negatively impact blood sugar control. If you want to feed your cat basmati rice, the brown version is usually the best.

Can Cats eat uncooked basmati rice?

No, your cat shouldn’t eat uncooked basmati rice, as it could cause intestinal obstruction and a possible upset stomach. Further, there is a high risk of arsenic poisoning, which could expose your cat to lots of diseases. If you must feed them some basmati rice, it has to be cooked.

How much basmati rice should my cat eat, and how can I feed it to them?

Your cat can eat as much as a cup of basmati rice without problems. However, you should make the rice more beneficial by mixing it in a low-sodium broth and adding chunks of protein like chicken, tuna, turkey, beef, or shrimp. Ensure to cook the rice until it is soft enough, and don’t add any seasonings or spices except turmeric, which can supply its anti-inflammatory properties and is highly beneficial when used to make low-fat treats for pancreatic pets.

Can I feed brown basmati rice to my sick cat?

Depending on the illness and recommendations from your vet, Brown basmati rice can be beneficial to cats battling diarrhea and constipation, as it could serve as a bland diet and resolve the diarrhea, or it could aid regular bowel movement, resolving the constipation, as it is a rich source of dietary fiber.

Can cats have basmati rice? Final Thoughts

Surely, cats can have up to a cup of cooked basmati rice without loads of seasonings or spices,, as found in Indian curries or lots of other dishes that require lots of spices. Basmati rice can be used as part of a balanced diet for your feline buddy in moderation.

Josh Krul

Hi, I am Josh, an avid dog lover who has spent 15 years with my lovely buddies. Lingonpets is a platform to share my experiences.

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