Can Dogs Eat Creme Brulee?

Dogs, unlike cats, can eat anything; they are like those kids or spouses who don’t reject any food cooked in the house (my favorite humans). While this can be a good trait, it could also be a terrible trait. Dogs are more likely to eat things that would harm them both in the short and long run.
When it comes to creme brulee, dogs would gladly have some, but is creme brulee safe for dogs? Here is everything you need to know about dogs and crème brulee.
What is crème brûlée?
Crème brûlée, also referred to as trinity cream or burnt cream, is a dessert made with custard at the base with a thin caramelized top and sometimes garnished with fruits or chocolate shavings. This French dessert is often served chilled and primarily flavored with vanilla, but there are lots of flavors that could be used.
To create this dessert, there are many methods, but a common method involves whisking egg yolks and sugar in a double boiler to form the custard, then adding the cream and vanilla.
Do dogs like the taste of creme brulee?
Unlike cats, who cannot taste sugar, dogs can taste sugar and love sweet treats. Also, a study by Jean Hall, a professor at the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University, has shown that dogs naturally gravitate toward high-calorie or high-fat foods, which explains why they love creme brulee.
If you keep a cup of creme brulee carelessly, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your pooch will empty that cup. From my accidental experiences, I can tell that dogs love crème brulee and wouldn’t hesitate to have some.
Can dogs eat creme brulee?
Yes, occasionally, dogs can have a little creme brulee. The basic ingredients for creme brulee include cream, sugar, eggs, and vanilla, which are all safe for dogs in small quantities. However, there is a threat of xylitol in commercially purchased creme brulee. Ensure to inquire about the ingredients used, and don’t give your dogs any if harmful ingredients were used.
When deciding what your dog can eat or not, there are lots of factors to consider, such as the health condition of your dog and its age. Adult dogs may not tolerate creme brulee as much as puppies may. Here is a breakdown of the major ingredients used in creme brulee and how they could impact your dog.
Sugar isn’t toxic to dogs, but it isn’t safe either. Sugar found in natural sources such as fruits is safe for dogs, but processed granulated sugar added to the creme brulee custard and also used to create a caramelized top for the dessert is not safe for dogs in the long run.
Giving your dog processed sugar every time can expose them to health diseases like obesity, impact metabolic processes, and lead to gum and tooth decay. When you feed your dog so much sugar, harmful bacteria live off this sugar, producing enamel-eating acids while also leading to gum inflammation. If you must give your dog some creme brulee, you should make a dog-friendly version or give a little amount of the human version once in a blue moon.
Dogs find cream very appealing because of its high fat and calorie content. However, the cream has a good deal of lactose, and a majority of adult dogs are highly lactose intolerant. Consuming cream could lead to symptoms of lactose intolerance like flatulence, itchy skin, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
If your dog falls into the category of being lactose intolerant, you should avoid giving them crème brulee, or you could use coconut cream or almond cream to make a dog-friendly version. Besides lactose intolerance, consuming high-calorie foods like cream could lead to obesity in dogs.
Vanilla extracts are toxic to dogs as they have a high alcohol content. But it is worth noting that only a small quantity, which is not enough to harm your dog, is used in making creme brulee. So, the vanilla here is not a threat.
The egg yolks are nutritious for dogs. They are tasty and palatable to dogs, but they can be terrible for your dog if it has health conditions like diabetes and acute pancreatitis in dogs.
Can diabetic dogs have crème brûlée due to its sugar content?
High sugar intake can lead to spikes in blood glucose levels, which is particularly dangerous for diabetic dogs. According to LowcarbCheck, the glycemic index of creme brulee stands at 71, making it not only a high-glycemic food but also an unsafe food for a diabetic dog.
Are there toxic elements like xylitol or chocolate in crème brûlée?
In most cases, xylitol is not used in creme brulee as sugar has a special job of creating that caramelized top, while xylitol cannot harden like sugar. The majority of creme brulee you will find is free of xylitol; however, some people may add it to the custard of the dessert.
As for chocolates, if there is an inclusion of chocolate, you will easily notice and remove it. In some cases, chocolate shaving is used as a topping, so you can easily remove it.
Can puppies eat creme brulee?
Yes, puppies can eat creme brulee and handle it better than adult dogs. Puppies are still able to produce lactase (an enzyme that enables them to digest lactose) since they are still drinking their mother’s milk, making them able to have some creme brulee.
However, you should be wary about giving puppies so much sugar, as they could get destructive and you could create room for obesity and diseases like diabetes in the long run. Fresh lumpia, quality dog kibble, and pumpkin seeds are better than any other unnecessary foods or treats.
Can Dogs Eat Creme Caramel?
While creme caramel and creme brulee may seem alike, they are both different desserts. They share similar ingredients, but instead of a caramelized top, creme caramel is topped with caramelized sugar syrup.
Dogs can have a little creme caramel once in a blue moon, but it is not the best treat you could hand to your dog. It has a significant calorie content, which could lead to obesity if given to dogs regularly. It could also lead to diabetes for your dog.
Since my dogs would always give those puppy eyes when I was eating some, I always tend to make a dog-friendly version each time I want to make some for the family.
Safe Alternatives to Creme Caramel for Dogs
These are safer alternatives to creme brulee for dogs. They are safe because they have little to no processed sugar, and they don’t contain lactose, which may cause discomfort for your pooch. Here is my list:
- Frosty Paws: Frosty Paws is a dog-safe ice cream invented with your dog’s dietary needs in mind. They contain all the necessary ingredients that your dog could derive from their treats, and they are very palatable. I don’t know any dog who refused to have some frosty paws.
- Panna Cotta: Panna cotta, just like creme brulee is not all that safe for dogs in the long run. However, we crafted a dog-safe panna cotta recipe that you will love to lay your hands on. It is easy to make, and my two dogs love it so much.
- Dog-safe creme brulee: You can make a dog-safe creme brulee by using less or no sugar and substituting cream for almond or coconut cream and you are good to go.
Can dogs have creme brulee? Final Thoughts
While some people may say it is not good to give your pooch some creme brulee, they are only saying this because they have been taught to say foods or treats are harmful once sugar, cream, and vanilla are used. Aside from vanilla, which may be harmful in significant quantities, sugar, and cream are not toxic to dogs, and if given in a moderate amount, your dog would not have any problems. The toxicity of foods is based on calculations and measurements, not emotions. Having said that, dogs can enjoy some creme brulee, but it is best to offer do-friendly versions occasionally.