
Can Dogs Eat Hajmola?

Hajmola has been a very effective solution for me and my partner. It resolves bloating and gas, plus discomfort caused by food allergens. Its spicy and tangy flavor makes it even more appealing, but can dogs have hajmola?

When we give human supplements or drugs to dogs, it has to be a vet’s prescription, as some human supplements or drugs can be used for dogs, but you need to know in what amounts. Here is everything you need to know about hajmola for dogs.

What Is Hajmola?

Hajmola, a famous Ayurvedic digestive aid, originates from India. It is manufactured by the Dabur Company with the primary aim of improving digestion. Hajmola can be found in numerous forms, from candies and tablets to powder, and it is distinguished by its peculiar tangy, sweet, and spicy flavor.

Hajmola is derived from the combination of pomegranate seeds, rock salt, black salt, cumin, ginger, pepper, asafoetida, mint, and dry mango powder. For most Indians, like my friend Raj, hajmola is more like a tangy candy, but for us here in America, especially those with food allergies, hajmola is a lifesaver we take after each meal.

Can Dogs Eat Hajmola?

Dogs should not eat hajmola. Dogs have a stronger sense of smell when compared to humans, and depending on the form of the hajmola, the spices could disorient your dogs, especially if they are in powdered form.

Hajmola is made with salt, which could potentially oversupply your pooch’s sodium needs for the day. Hajmola was mae or humans, which means the ingredients and their quantity may not be dog-friendly, which may lead to a counterproductive result. If your vet doesn’t recommend hajmola for your dog, never give it to them.

Can we give hajmola to dogs?

Giving Hajmola or any human medication or supplement to dogs without veterinary guidance can be dangerous and potentially harmful to their health. If your dog is experiencing digestive issues, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian for appropriate treatment options.

here are the Ingredients In Hajmola and how they may affect your dog:

  • Pomegrenate seeds: Pomegranate seed boasts lots of vitamin C and potassium, and while a safe source of nutrients for humans, they are not safe for dogs in their natural form as they could cause obstruction and stomach upset, according to Petmd. For the negative effect of pomegranate seed to take place, your dog has to consume lots of hajmola tablets or candies.
  • Rock salt: According to the RSPCA, rock salt can be dangerous to dogs even in small amounts, and it has not been determined what amount of rock salt could cause toxicity in dogs. If your dog consumes rock salt, it could lead to high blood sodium concentration, causing lethargy, vomiting, and thirst. In severe cases, kidney damage or convulsions could occur.
  • Black salt: also known as Kala Namak, black salt is not toxic to dogs. It contains lots of minerals, and most dog foods use it in small amounts. However, when excessively consumed, it could also pose the risk of sodium poisoning.
  • Cumin: In small amounts, dogs could have cumin and enjoy its health benefits, but when they have unhinged access, it could lead to digestive issues and stomach upset.
  • Ginger: Ginger is free from any toxic substances for dogs, but it should still be given in small quantities, as too much of it could disorient your dog and possibly cause stomach upset.
  • Pepper: Black pepper is not toxic to dogs in small amounts, but it has no nutritional value, which means it should be kept away from your pooch’s diet.
  • Asafoetida: According to the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances Used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP), “It is safe to use asafoetida at the rate of 1.5 mg/kg for dogs.”
  • Dry mango powder: Dry mango powder is safe for dogs, but it does not possess as many nutritional benefits as fresh mango.

Will giving hajmola to my dog help with digestion?

Giving dogs hajmola may help with digestion, but it is not recommended. There is currently no study proving hajmola to be an efficient way of resolving digestive issues in dogs. As we have listed above, certain ingredients in hajmola may be toxic to dogs, even in small amounts.

If your dog is battling indigestion, natural remedies such as ginger, plain yogurt, and pumpkin can soothe digestive issues and enable the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Personally, pumpkin works the most magic and can be used as a treat, even for effectively training and teaching your dogs new tricks.

What Happens If A Dog Eats Hajmola Accidentally?

How a dog will react after consuming some hajmola tabs, powders, or candies depends on the individual dog’s allergies and health status. Usually, dogs have eaten hajmola without showing any signs of distress, as you can see in videos on youtube.

If your pooch accesses a significant amount of hajmola, they may experience upset stomachs, diarrhea, vomiting, and liver damage in severe cases. Usually, at the onset of emergency cases like this, activated charcoal or I.V. fluids are used to prevent your dog’s system from absorbing more of the harmful substance by binding or expelling it.

However, since your vet may not have recommended hajmola for your dog, I’d implore you to keep hajmola away from areas where your dog may have easy access to them, like the table or counter floors. Store in tight containers or in your cabinets.

Is It Safe For Puppies To Eat Hajmola?

While puppies are at a greater advantage over adult dogs when it comes to lactose-containing foods like panna cotta and crème brulee, as they produce enough lactase enzymes to break down the lactose, they perform very badly at consuming human foods or drugs as a result of their delicate system. Do not give your puppy hajmola for any reason. Your vet would never recommend hajmola for a puppy.

How Much Hajmola Is Too Much For A Dog?

There is no set safe dose of hajmola for dogs. Your dog may consume as little as a tablet and begin to show negative symptoms, while they could also consume 10 tablets without showing any signs of distress. Use natural methods to resolve your dog’s digestive issues or tabs approved by your vet.

Dog-friendly Alternatives to Hajmola for Digestion

These are the dog-friendly methods I use to resolve my dog’s digestive issues:


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy digestive system in dogs. These beneficial bacteria are present in their billions in your dog’s gut—they ward off pathogens and strengthen the immune system.

When these beneficial microbes are destroyed or depleted, an upset stomach and a general health decline will occur. Vet-recommended probiotic supplements like Purina Fortiflora Canine Nutritional Supplement or plain yogurt and kefir can supplement your dog’s probiotics.


Pumpkin is the easiest fix you can apply for resolving digestive issues in dogs. It consists of both soluble and insoluble fibers, making it a great fix for diarrhea and constipation in dogs. A scoop or two of canned pumpkin (plain) will do the trick.

Is Hajmola good for dogs? Final Thoughts

Hajmola is a human-based supplement that helps to resolve digestive issues. If you have used it before, you should be able to testify of the miracle hajmola can perform, but it is worth noting that it is not good for dogs to consume, as it was not made with dog-friendly ingredients, and no research has proven that it effectively resolved dogs’ digestive problems.

Josh Krul

Hi, I am Josh, an avid dog lover who has spent 15 years with my lovely buddies. Lingonpets is a platform to share my experiences.

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