
Can Dogs Eat Coco Pops? Can Coco Pops Kill Dogs?

Coco Pops are one of the tastiest snacks you could lay your hands on. I am a lover of chocolate, and I can’t resist any cookie, ice cream, cake, or dessert that has chocolate.

While enjoying my Coco Pops and Horchata, my dog usually patrols and gives the puppy eyes each time our eyes lock. But is Coco Pops safe for it? Do I give it some?

In this article, I will give you complete information about coco pops and dogs, with facts to back it up. By the end of this article, you should know if it is right or wrong to give Rover some Coco Pops.

Can Dogs Eat Coco Pops?

Technically, dogs can eat coco pops. Your dog won’t become ill from eating little coco pops. However, the carbohydrates and sugar present in coco popos could lead to an upset stomach. Coco pops are neither healthy nor harmful to dogs.

Each coco pop pack contains 3% cocoa, irrespective of the size. A dog weighing 50 pounds needs to consume 1 ounce of chocolate to experience theobromine toxicity, according to VcaHospital. 1 ounce is equal to 28 grams: an average 375-gram pack of Kellogg’s Coco pops contain 11.25 grams of cocoa, which is unable to cause poisoning in dogs.

While you may be worried because you have heard so many times that chocolate could be toxic to dogs, it is not just in any amount; they have to consume over 700 grams of coco pops to experience chocolate toxicity.

While dogs can eat coco pops, let us explore the ingredients extensively and determine if your dogs should be allowed to have some.

Ingredients in Coco Pops


The sugar in coco pops may not harm your dog, but over time, it could become harmful and lead to tooth decay or excessive weight gain. If you must feed your dog some coco pops, it should be an occasional treat and not an everyday thing.

In the U.S., over 56% of dogs have become obese or overweight. And diabetes rates have equally gone over the roof, with up to a 30% increase in the last ten years. Making it a very important duty to watch your dog’s sugar intake.

You wouldn’t want to decrease the quality of their life in a bid to show them some unnecessary love by treating them to unhealthy things.

Whole white rice

This makes up 65% of coco pops and is totally safe for dogs. However, it has been processed and may lack the nutrients it possesses in its unprocessed form, unlike rice flour used in making vermicelli noodles for dogs.


While coco itself isn’t a toxic component, The toxic component is theobromine, found in cocoa. The theobromine found in coco pops is unlikely to cause your dog any harm, except if you shove 700 grams down your dog’s throat at once.

Mineral and Vitamins

Coco pops contain minerals like zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, and iron, as well as vitamins like folate, vitamin B6, niacin, and riboflavin, which are all beneficial to dogs.

However, when you feed the dogs their quality wet or dry food, there is no need to supplement their nutrients with a less healthy source like coco pops.

What happens if my dog eats Coco Pops?

We have established that your dog will not experience chocolate toxicity after consuming coco pops. However, your dog could likely become overly active as a result of the 11 grams of sugar present in coco pops.

Also, Coco Pops may contain some peanuts and tree nuts (as specified on Kellogg’s website), and your dog could possibly be allergic to these nuts.

Also, your dog may experience stomach upset, especially if this is the first time you’re feeding them cereals like Coco Pops. Besides all these infrequent events, nothing will happen when your dog consumes coco pops.

Can Coco Pops Kill Dogs?

Little amounts of Coco Pops cannot kill dogs. In fact, it is unheard of that Coco Pops killed a dog. We have thoroughly explained how coco pops contain an insignificant amount of chocolate. Your pooch will have to chow down two 375-gram boxes of coco pops to experience toxicity. Immediate death from consuming coco pops is impossible.

How Can I Feed My Dog Coco Pops?

A little handful of coco pops can make great occasional treats for dogs, especially during training since most of the sugar will be burned out anyway. They are crunchy, and your dog will always love to have some.

Ensure not to add milk. According to AKC, dogs are lactose intolerant, and most dairy products will lead to digestive issues. While they could consume small quantities without problems, it is best to avoid giving them any at all.

What cereals are OK for dogs?

The major problem with cereals for dogs is their sugar content. Most cereals, like Frosted Flakes and Lucky Charms, contain a great deal of sugar, which may not be suitable for your dog.

Plain Cheerios

Just like most other cereals, cheerios contain nutrients that are not necessary if you feed your dog their quality kibbles. However, plain Cheerios can be used as a treat for dogs, and they contain less sugar than the other varieties of Cheerios.

Plain Oatmeal

Oatmeal is better than most other cereals and could be included in your dog’s daily food intake. You have to use plain oatmeal and prepare them without any dog-unsafe ingredients. Begin a little, and then go a little more if your dog tolerates it.


Dogs can eat cornflate without having any issues, but so far they have only been given a substantial amount. Ensure it is plain and not the frosted flakes or frosties varieties, which are packed with sugar and are certainly not a healthy treat.

Final Thoughts

Dogs can eat coco pops but only in small amounts. Coco pops have sugar and other additives that make them not a great daily treat. However, occasionally, you could hand out a handful of coco pops to your dogs.

Make sure not to include it with milk, as you could trigger lactose intolerance symptoms. The key to feeding your dog any form of cereal is to ensure that they won’t have a high sugar content, as that is usually the problem with most cereals most of the time.

Josh Krul

Hi, I am Josh, an avid dog lover who has spent 15 years with my lovely buddies. Lingonpets is a platform to share my experiences.

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